For years, digital camera photography has become so common, nearly anyone can take a video or picture of nearly anything. James O’Keefe of the O’Keefe Media Group (, who founded Project Veritas, took the approach to another level by interviewing people undercover to obtain information. He made outstanding accomplishments in exposing corruption.
Many on the political left decry what O’Keefe was doing, but O’Keefe served a purpose in making public officials accountable. Ironically, however, Democrats do a similar exploit of cameras but for the point of harassment and hopes of obtaining a scandal. While opposition research of political opponents is common and acceptable, such as attending opposition events or interviews, many leftwing operatives push the boundaries to the point of being a persistent surveillance for the purpose of harassment.
Recently, Congressman Don Bacon posted an example:
Here is the full video of what the Congressman captured.
What is the point of this tracker doing video? There is no event or interview. This is well after election day. Who deems it worthy to pay someone to track the Congressman walking about? This amounts to the type of harassing surveilance done by North Korean minders (
The objective of such surveillance is to push the person to shut up and avoid engaging with people publicly and to force them into the seclusion of only interacting with trusted people. This forces the Congressman into a protective bubble preventing a broader engagement with the public he serves. This has detrimental effects as the Congressman is forced to hold inquisitive and curious people in contempt.
I doubt legislation can resolve this problem but people should question the ethics of it as it serves no public purpose or usefullness. This is why people hate politics and political parties. This type of behavior needs to be condemned. You can help. Find out who this person is and expose them. Find out who they are working for and what their motive is for following Congressman Bacon around.