The EPIC Option team has announced the consumption tax proposal will receive a hearing at the Unicameral:
If you can make it, get to Lincoln. If you cannot, please contact your State Senator (
On another front, the Omaha Public School District continues to be myopic in every conceivable topic. They have now come out against Governor Pillen’s tax plan ( No solutions on property taxes. All obstruction. At best, they should have taken no stand. Yet Governor Pillen pushes on with his Nebraska Plan (
Meanwhile, a Public Pulse writer today took on obstructionist State Senators:
In addition, there are moderate obstructionists still trying to slow the effort to reform. Once such person is former County Commissioner Marc Kraft.
Oh, and there is that guy who won’t shut up who had a letter in the Lincoln Journal Star:
I've been told by a farm friend that the state is about to experience the biggest transfer of farmland in it's history, due to aging farmers and the fact that family don't want to take it over. Besides that you're going to see a mass migration out of the state, because people will be incentivized to sell to the highest bidder.
Epic caters to the rich and yes we can prevent foreigners from buying up our land.
It's time to get rid of bloated daycare/indoctrination camp budgets, otherwise known as "public education" budgets. Money for education should follow the student and be strictly for education and no extracurricular activities.
Much nmore could be said.
Epic will only drive the cost of real estate through the roof and monopolize land ownership.