Congressman Bacon has a difficult purple district to represent, but he is sticking true to gun rights and pro-life issues in difficult times. (
With the new Gun Control Act of 2022, Bacon stands rightly opposed. Gun control has always been an illusion, and a hyped-up political game. During the Prohibition Era, gangsters caused much gun violence. The result was the National Firearms Act of 1934. Did it work?
No. President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King were assassinated. This led to the Gun Control Act of 1968. Did it work?
No. In 1981, President Ronald Reagan, and his Press Secretary Bill Brady were injured in an assassination attempt. Congress responded by passing the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. Did it work?
No. On May 24 of this year, in Uvalde, Texas, a school shooting took place killing many. Congress responded by passing the Gun Control Act of 2022. Will it work?
If you say “yes”, you are not paying attention. These acts are all about politics and feeding fear about guns and restricting the rights to self-defense. Bacon has an understanding of this.
So what of abortion? Bacon understands the value of life. The problem now is all the screeching idiots who never took any time to understand how Roe v Wade functioned. In fact, most people commenting on the topic, have never read a single page of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision.
The Court was looking for evidence from the States regarding some reference to abortion rights as it is not an explicit part of the Constitution. Instead, finding nothing, abortion was tucked under various parts of the Constitution without any justification for doing so. Had many states legalized abortion under some justifiable right, the Court would have something to act on but instead, they found themselves referring back to themselves which does not work. Even the staunchest supporters of abortion realized the problems with Roe v Wade.
There is much fixation on women regarding abortion. However, the abortion industry has always controlled the debate because they wanted to exploit women’s health for-profit and often kept women ignorant about their health in the process. You probably know some people who are “pro-choice”. Try this. Ask them if they favor unlimited abortion for any reason as a right or do they support legal abortion with restrictions. If they are for unlimited abortions, would they accept gender-selective abortions where the prenatal infant does not have the desired gender. Most of these “pro-choice” people will favor some restrictions. They merely do not want it totally banned.
However, for the total-abortion-rights-without-limits person, another question needs to be asked. Ask them to become an abortionist. From there, explain to them what is required in doing an abortion on a 20-week-old fetus. The skull has to be crushed and removed. The arms and legs have to be ripped off and removed. The torso has to be pulled out. At the end, these parts have to be counted and assembled to make certain all the pregnancy has been removed. Are they willing to merely witness such a procedure?
Nebraska has some interesting stats on the topic. (
First, the abortion rates have been trending down for years nationwide and it shows in Nebraska stats (page 1 of the report above) The internet has provided people with much more information on preventing pregnancy and availability has expanded.
Second, surgical abortion has become uncommon as 70 percent of abortions are chemically induced medication (page 4, table 5) In part, this is because of better medical technology and better information on what to do when menstruation does not take place.
Third, abortion is still used by many as the only birth control measure. A third of abortion patients state they used no protection, and another third refused to state a reason. (page 3, table 4) This means more efforts should be done to prevent pregnancy.
Fourth, the screeching idiots who claim to be defending abortion, are only protecting two people in Nebraska who routinely do abortions and exploit women in desperate situations. (page 4, table 7)
Fifth, many, many years ago, I remember when people defended abortion to abort babies with spina bifida or other abnormalities. Today, Americans do prenatal surgery on such children before they are born, which results in pictures like the one below. The United States continues to excel in medical advancement, which sets the US apart from the rest of the world.