Did you know John Fredrickson is a husband, father, and married man? Do you know his spouse is a man named Jeff? Welcome to 2022!
Suddenly, I have a few dozens of questions about this man running for Legislative District 20. Perhaps I fell asleep and missed the story but is this not a newsworthy story? How did he become a father? Where did he get married? You would think the media would give Mr. Fredrickson some celebrity status but instead, a stealth campaign appears to be in the works.
And since he is gay, he obviously has fallen for the lies of the left into buying those doomsayer narratives such as man-made climate change. Yep, from his site:
How do you tell John, there are many people who believe in the man-made climate change theory who believe it is caused by sodomy? Hey, Sodom and Gomorrah anyone? (These cities are mentioned numerous times in the Bible for numerous offenses.)
Alright, perhaps I am being a bit mean but I expect more from a Skutt Catholic High School graduate. Makes you wonder what is going on in the Catholic education system when John is endorsed by a bunch of wild-eyed leftists. From his site where endorsements are listed:
The Victory Fund is not just a gay organization but also pro-abortion. (https://victoryfund.org/about/endorsements/) The Victory Fund has not only endorsed John but these candidates too:
The idea of gay rights has brought a new range of tolerance for same-sex marriage and even adoption. However, none of this will ever be an adequate replacement for procreation and it clearly is not respectful of posterity: particularly when conjoined to supporting abortion and advocating the supposed man-made climate change theory.
The media does not want to “out” John and Jeff as they do not want him to be a spectacle, or worse, a freak show. At the same time, Republicans and conservatives do not want to be accused of being mean for pointing out the blatantly obvious problem.
And as to his unexplained “son” Leon, dare I ask him, since he was not aborted:
Where is Legislative District 18? Also, we have someone good running against Megan Hunt. Her district does not have to re-elect her. I'm not sure about the other two--and now I will have to figure that out.