Poor Nebraska State Senator Mike McDonnell. He and many laborers thought the Democrat Party was their home, but it simply is not. He is also openly pro-life and the Progressives Democrats cannot handle it. Laborers wanted the Keystone pipe, but the Jane Kleeb Nebraska Democrat Party opposed it. Now, McDonnell was rejected from being placed on the Nebraska Democrat Central Committee (https://nebraskaexaminer.com/2023/02/23/mcdonnell-in-crosshairs-of-fellow-dems-on-abortion-trans-debates/).
In short order, the Nebraska Republican Party openly invited McDonnell to join the Republican Party. Rumors have circulated McDonnell wants to be Omaha’s Mayor, but partisan politics and extremism will make it impossible.
The old partisan tricks have come out of the left. Defame the messenger, and ignore the message which is still true. I thought Democrats were nuts for supporting abortion, but they are getting worse by the day. Lately, they have winked in favor of euthanasia, and now support chemical castration of small boys.
Notice the link in the image below goest to Act Blue, a Democrat fundraising site. Proof again, Democrats have no respect for religious tolerance, especially Christians.
Most unfortunately, topics like these are driven by social-media addicts and the Facebook and Twitter mobs. Much of other media outlets mistake such addicts for the thoughts of the general public. Extremist Nebraska Senator Machaela Cavanaugh benefits from such distortion.
Nebraska Senator Jen Day took it to another level in attacking the Epoch Times. I guess she is buying into Communist China’s take on the organization. Falun Gong is not a cult but a religious group oppressed by the Communist Chinese.
If you are on Twitter, I recommend you following these radical Nebraska Senators so you can inform the public as to how insane they are. More importantly, people need to leave the Democrat Party and stop funding it.
Furthermore, I recommend you donate to your local Republican Party and get more people to become Republicans.
Andrew, it's good that the NEGOP is making their voice heard on these issues, like being pro-life. There is NO HOME in the Democrat party for people of faith. There hasn't been for at least 30 years now (maybe even longer, I watched it happening while Bill Clinton was in office)--which begs the question of why there are so many stubborn Christians trying to support their anti-Christian platform?
Unfortunately, I wish the NEGOP wasn't headed down that path as well. I'm seeing things that trouble me. They keep trying to make deals with the devil while also seeking the religious vote. That isn't going to continue to fly. We can only have one or the other, not both.