Update: Nebraska Catholic Conference has done a great job of rebuking the lies. See https://necatholic.org/news-events/newsroom.html/article/2023/07/07/school-choice-and-the-relentless-dagger-john-hughes
Was waiting for it. Did not take long. The Open Sky Policy Institute attacked any idea of providing government funding of school choice for poor racial minorities (https://www.openskypolicy.org/lb-753-action) and has taken out a poll (https://www.openskypolicy.org/likely-voters-weigh-in-on-lb-753-and-public-school-funding-in-nebraska). The poll is nothing but a big progressive lie.
Open Sky claims to be non-partisan, but this just brings out the ten-year-old boy in me: Liar! Liar! Pants of fire! Nose as long as a telephone wire!
Conservatives and Republicans need to learn. The Democrats set up these non-profit organizations to set the tone and do all the research on political issues, tax-free, to support progressive Democrats. The only reason for this poll has nothing to do with honest polling but to create publicity for Open Sky while providing opponents of educational freedom with information to arm an arsenal of attack ads. Also, the so-called 427 page poll (https://www.openskypolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Bannerbook.OpenSky.06092023.pdf) really is geared toward misinformation.
The Opportunity Scholarship Act is not taxpayer funded. It won’t do a thing to your property taxes but the poll lies. Notice they kick in with gender and race as well.
In addition, the progressive partisan poll, of course, has to attack the wealthy, ignoring the fact all sorts of people can take advantage of this tax deduction. Notice the word “convincing”. This poll is actually a surveying of what arguments to make against school choice.
Another image pushing false misinformation and surveying an argument to be made about school choice as just being a corporate giveaway.
Finally, the opponents are flat-out racists and bigots. The people most likely to benefit from the Act are poor racial minorities. Here are the demographics of the Omaha Public School District, the largest school district in Nebraska. Note, white students are a minority (shot from OPS annual report). The Omaha Public Schools really do believe your children are their property.
The time has come to load up, build up, and prepare to assault the false accusations about to come forth and attack the racism and bigotry. I have already donated to Keep Kids First (https://www.keepkidsfirstnebraska.com/) and so should you. In fact, give until it hurts. If there is to be compulsory education, there must be choice.
the only two funding sources for Open Sky I could uncover were the NSEA and the "nonpartisan" Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Open Sky's sizable budget indicates there are others.