You most likely have heard in the current partisan politics, a call to defend democracy while others counter: the United States is a Republic.
If you champion democracy, remember, this is what you get, unless there was election fraud. Yeah, maybe we really need to review the 2020 election for lacking integrity. Biden reminds me of two movies. The Candidate ( and Weekend at Bernie’s (’s). By the way, if you have not seen these, both movies are amazing.
Anyways, this started me searching for quotes when the far left could not understand the objection of conservatives stating the United States is a Republic. This is what I found.
Also, many consider Biden a disgrace while others consider Trump a danger. And this caught my eye:
Hamilton also clears up this “democracy vs republic” argument quite neatly. A republic defends individual rights, whereas democracy . . . .
Why three branches of government?
Yet we need some government, but . . . .
Even modern writers of science fiction saw the complexities:
Perhaps I need to quote some other dead white guy about the problems of democracy. How about this French guy, Alexis de Tocqueville?
Oh and about the “progressive” list of rights:
The man saw the United States’ current debt from over a century ago:
In fact, he seemed to know of Nebraska property taxes too!
Anyways, for all you doing homeschooling, here is a nice short lesson explaining the differences between democracy and a republic. Long live the Republic of the United States of America!