Update: Nebraska Examiner noticed https://nebraskaexaminer.com/briefs/11-ne-lawmakers-to-host-lincoln-omaha-listening-sessions-on-property-taxes/
Nebraska State Senator Machaela Cavanaugh has just posted this on X. Apparently, left-wing Senators see a real challenge from Governor Pillen in addressing property taxes. As you can see below, all the information about these forums is provided below. She advises if you cannot attend these forums, to post comments at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKjvOwq3gTQDXTzMFJTxgNGPZp0FNSeMLJqGGpVJpMdLjGmQ/viewform
If I could attend, I'd just jump around and chant, "We love tax cuts! Tax cuts belong here! We need tax cuts!"