Update 2, and they are going after the Republican Party too! https://www.8newsnow.com/i-team/i-team-sources-fbi-seizes-nevada-gop-chairmans-phone-as-part-of-fake-elector-investigation/
Update, another example, a Republican Governor candidate is being ordered by a judge to give up his guns.
If you want to support Ryan Kelley go to https://ryandkelley.com/
Dr. Simone Gold has been the arch critic of the Centers for Disease Control and supposed efforts to control COVID. She founded American Frontline Doctors (https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/). Yet, now she is going to jail over the January 6 mayhem over dubiously overblown charges (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/jun/16/anti-vaccine-doctor-simone-gold-sentenced-to-priso/)
This is all purely, political persecution. The US Justice Department went after Project Veritas (https://www.projectveritas.com/) founder James O’Keefe over a Biden diary (https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/13/raid-veritas-okeefe-biden-press-521307 )
Brandon Straka, the organizer of the Walkaway Campaign (https://www.walkawaycampaign.com/) was also charged and jailed over dubious allegations on the January 6 mayhem (https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/defendants/straka-brandon).
Years ago, this also happened to Dinesh D’Souza who was sentenced to jail which was euphemistically called a “community confinement center”
Republicans and conservatives need to realize the US Justice Department is engaged in partisan political persecution and oppression. Gold, O’Keefe, Straka, and D’Souza are martyrs and what happened to them needs to be addressed. Don Bacon (https://donjbacon.com/) and Mike Flood (https://mikefloodfornebraska.com/) deserve our support but they should hear from everyone as to what concerns them and take on the US Justice Department.
Also, US Senator Sasse made preliminary news regarding his speech at the Ronald Reagan Foundation but once he made the speech, it was largely ignored. You can see video at
or read the text of it at https://www.sasse.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2022/6/sasse-i-m-betting-on-america While the speech has many excellent areas, in part, it reminds me of President Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech (https://college.cengage.com/history/ayers_primary_sources/jimmycarters_malaisespeech_1979.htm) Sasse, like Carter, laments the lack of optimism in the United States and the future. However, he clearly defends the Reagan doctrine of peace through strength.
There are two parts of the Sasse speech which stun me. First, he says “We Republicans have a choice to make: We can either continue to drift as a party that exists as a vehicle for the grievances of the angriest, oldest folks, or we can be the future-focused party of 2030 ...” This man is trying to be Robert F. Kennedy or a democrat operative or a political idiot. Who has the money to give to campaigns? Old people. Who shows up to vote? Old people. Who has time to keep an eye on the government? Old people.
Of course we want young people to engage in politics but Sasse does not know what concerns young people. Critical Race Theory and men wearing dresses at work are actual problems. We now have a US Supreme Court Justice who does not know what a woman is and yet the number one documentary in 2022 is the Daily Wire’s “What is a Woman?” whose audience is young. How can Sasse be so politically tone deaf?
Second, his use of the word “grievances” is apparently a covert effort to refer to those upset over the 2020 election. Sorry, I see drop boxes. I see ballots mailed out to all registered voters. I see no transparency telling me how many ballots are returned. And, the True the Vote organization has provided evidence of ballot stuffing and the movie 2000 Mules has amplified concerns. At the same time, the US Justice Department is engaged in political prosecutions. Sasse is a member of the US Senate Judiciary Committee https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/about/jurisdiction which is responsible for “Judicial proceedings, civil and criminal” yet Sasse comes nowhere near addressing the topic.
The sad fact is, Sasse has sequestered himself to talking to his bathroom mirror for the morning to listen to his words. The speech did not receive wide coverage. Where is his audience at?
And if you think Sasse is bad, try this guy.