Feb 10Liked by Andrew L Sullivan

the upside that makes me feel good is as a former LP Chair called OWH - Pravda of the Plains and Lincoln Urinal are not just swirling the drain but are irretrievably down the drain. They quit publishing my pulse letters back in the late 80's . They may as well be government organs - if you're not stroking their fav elected, appointed official or corporate America/Nebraskas narrative they ignore you.

At this point all media you mentioned is immaterial. Birds can't read Pravda or the Urinal when its cage liner and the others ? WHO?

Until we change the citizens glorification and acceptance of their masters- government - and their narrative nothing much will change.

We need meat axe cuts at the very least - I'm more of a chain saw guy but people are so addicted to the couple of pennies government throws at them until it really hurts people will continue to accept their beatings

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Feb 10Liked by Andrew L Sullivan

Pillen is pushing for 40% property tax reduction . My valuation jumped from 200,000 to 244,000. Taxes were $4200 last year. Assuming no drop in mill levy my next years taxes will be 5124. If property taxes would drop 40% my bill would be 3074 , lowering my taxes by 1126. Assuming I make 50,000 in purchases during the year and the sales tax is an extra 1% I will spend an extra 500 in taxes. My total tax bill would 626 less than the previous year. Sounds Ok right! Not so fast! What’s to prevent future huge valuations. In several years property tax will be at the same total cost as it was before reform but we still have the extra 1% sales tax which we will never get rid of. Pure and simple we have a spending problem and bloated state government!

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