I understand your observations. Having served there and have an understanding of House Rules, much more detailed and complex than Robert’s Rules, would give you insight into the brillant strategic maneuver Don Bacon engineered that fired the shot that broke up the Coation of 20 who had demands but not plan to govern. Note they did not nominate a competitor against McCarthy 5i demonstrate that they knew they would ultimately lose. That being said, that group of Members were able to exact some meaningful cha CWS to House Rules that are constructive. This has ended well and no time has been lost. McCarthy will be more conservative and has the strategic leverage with the Senate of better compromise deals. The Freedom Coalation has succeeded to a notable degree so they now have to be supportive of the deal they made. Progress indeed. Hal

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I agree with you on about 90 percent of this. However, the words "brillant strategic maneuver" do not enter the picture on any side as this type of contest has not been seen in over 100 years.

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One of the big reasons for this debacle in the first place was that McCarthy had already been vindictive. Leaders--can't afford to be like that. It always comes back to bite them.

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