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Harris is seriously problematic on many levels. As A.G., she set the legal wheels in motion to try to destroy the journalists who exposed the vile sales of butchered baby parts and organs orchestrated by Planned Parenthood.

As far as the draft, it's biologically unreasonable to expand the draft to include women--and there is nothing in the Constitution that says that a woman can't run for President. We have far more important issues to focus on right now, like pushing for election integrity and transparency.

I also think you'd find yourself on far more stable ground if you argued for doing away with the draft altogether. We have an all-volunteer military. It is one of the best militaries in the world--or it was. It is certainly one of the best funded despite all of the recent efforts to undermine and destroy morale, and divert that money to where it doesn't belong.

We don't need to "police" the world and we definitely don't need to be fighting endless wars in the Middle East or in countries like Ukraine, but we do need a military strong enough to defend our own borders, and a president willing and able to stop the flood of illegals and send them back home. Harris won't do that. Harris isn't just incompetent, she's destructive and bad for our nation, and that fact would be true regardless of her sex.

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